Capture and Validation

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Debi - Credit card

Our validation system achieves precise and reliable card identification and validation

  • Country
  • Bank
  • Network
  • Issuer
  • Funding
Debi - Validate to Collect with Confidence

Validate to Collect with Confidence

In recurring payments, capture and processing occur at two different moments. This is where payment validation plays a crucial role in ensuring secure and reliable future collections.

We apply advanced validation rules and algorithms to ensure that entered numbers are accurate. This way, we minimize errors and maximize efficiency in your future collection operations.

How Debi Works with Intelligent Validation


Our classification system is fueled by multiple BIN information providers, which are updated in real-time and enable extremely precise identification for cards. This, combined with the experience of millions of payments processed on our platform, gives us a competitive edge over static information providers, and allows us to perform more detailed analysis and assign processing priorities more effectively.

Certainty in Every Transaction

  • 99%

    We identify and validate cards and bank accounts with a 99% level of certainty.
  • +1.5M

    Our database contains millions of BINs that are constantly corrected and updated.

Ready to take your payments to the next level?
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