Orchestrate your payments with ease

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Debi - Orchestrate your payments with ease

We optimize every payment processing with advanced algorithms


We use our proprietary model to direct each payment to the most efficient processor, considering its collection history. This model selects the perfect processor and the right moment for each individual transaction using advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence.


Automating payment processing reduces administrative burden by up to 98%. Debi synchronizes all collections with each payment processor, orchestrating and optimizing collections.

We recover 1 out of every 3 rejected payments

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How Debi Works

  • 1Set up your credentials: Connect your business with the payment platforms and banks you use, such as Stripe, Mercado Pago, Fiserv, American Express and more.
  • 2Send your payments: Make one-time payments or manage subscriptions directly from Debi, either through the dashboard or by integrating with our API.
  • 3We process for you: Debi takes care of processing payments, selecting the best provider and optimal time to maximize the success of each transaction.
  • 4Continuous synchronization: Keep your information always up-to-date with our real-time synchronization system.
  • 5Smart retries: In case of rejections, we retry payments using advanced algorithms to maximize success.

Single processor

Random timing

Expired card information

Unlock more with Debi

  • Payment to Cards and Bank Accounts: We offer instant online payments and direct debits, providing flexibility and fee reduction.
  • Direct and Intermediary-Free Payment: Receive the money directly into your bank account, streamlining the process without intermediate steps.
  • Payment Optimization: We use advanced algorithms to choose the best time to make collections, increasing the success rate.
  • Smart Retries: We retry rejected payments automatically throughout the month, using advanced algorithms and multiple processors.
  • Data Intelligence: We apply data intelligence to analyze and understand the reasons for payment rejections, continuously improving the process.

Cut out the middleman

Cut out the middleman

Ready to take your payments to the next level?
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